Saturday, February 4, 2012

some surprises are pleasant.

Nothing very deep to report today- I think my brain shuts down at the weekend.  Yes, I did say at the weekend...welcome to British English.  Had a laugh or two this morning on facebook regarding the choking career of one Bob Dylan.  Those are the times that I actually appreciate it for what it can be.  It's amazing what time and distance and a social networking site can do for what started as a not so wonderful morning.
Today I also had a chance to catch up with a friend here that I work with, only when at work we never get a chance to see each other.  It was nice for a lot of reasons: first,  that I didn't have to try to explain my jumbled mess of a head in a second language.  Also, because it's pretty rare for me to actually come across a person I can feel comfortable being honest with about much of anything. What a relief and a pleasure to remember that there are some good people out there.  And it got me thinking about some other things later...why I care so much about pleasing other people and why I'm so incredibly hard on myself.  We didn't talk about criticism at all today- but someone else mentioned to me recently about how they really dislike criticism.  Who doesn't?  But then I was jumping around the news and some other sites I like to check out for a little inspiration on occasion and I happened upon this:

I guess this could be a new way of looking at something that I find extremely uncomfortable.  I don't think I can digest all that in one sitting, but I'll re-read it again when I'm a little more receptive.  Right now I'm craving beer and stupid games on facebook, along with other things not mentioned here.  This is a blog, not a laundry room!

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