1. I will (must) learn more Spanish this year.
Seriously... this is not something I can handle much longer. I feel like I have totally reached a plateau- I understand and can (kind of) communicate on some kind of rudimentary level, but that anxiety is still a big roadblock for me. How is this any different than my personality in English? In reality it's not... but I am not happy being a person that wants to give more to others that is stuck in a shy person's prison-like body. I have to find a way to at least make small improvements or I'm gonna sink or go crazy here.
2. I will stop worrying about the drama in my family and blaming myself for it and other things that aren't my problem.
I should have learned this one by now. As far as I am concerned, my side of the street is clean on this one- I tried to make amends with some of them by reaching out or explaining myself time after time. I am not the one to blame for others grudges or bad feelings towards me when I have done nothing- regardless if they are within my own family. I need to start spending precious energy on people that care about me and actually deserve it. As for other things that aren't my problem...that is pretty self-explanatory but I have a tendency to internalize negative things in other people's lives and I would like to change that. Makes for bad self-talk.
3. I will not slack on keeping in shape despite the weather.
Given that I have thyroid issues, I can't afford to let up, especially since I'm mid-30's now. No excuses, even if winter is depressing as hell and I'd rather sit in front of the tv/computer/book and do nothing. Especially after the wake up call I've had this week after returning to Jillian videos. Life is hard when you can barely move!
4. I will read more non-fiction this year in the attempts to be less stupid.
While fiction is my favorite and I have read a lot this year (just ask my husband who is always complaining about it) including some classics that I never got around to, I want to try to expand my horizons. Open to suggestions starting now.
5. I will go back to my own 'style' and stop trying to be a 'grown-up.'
Comfort inside my own skin here is an issue and I'm just not that 'girly' on a day to day basis.
6. I will try to go back to doing something creative on a more regular basis.
I really miss design sometimes and my old career. I mean, teaching certainly challenges your creativity in a different way, but I have been doing some kind of art since I was a kid and only stopped in the last few years or so. I start something, but never finish it. I will try to change that this year, regardless of my fear that it will totally stink.
7. I am going to be less obsessed with cleaning and try to enjoy my life more- the world won't end if things aren't perfect or a representation of me, whatever that is.
Those are the only ones I can think of at the moment, though there is always room for improvement. I will have to look back later and see how well I've done.
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