Monday, September 26, 2011

Today I am spending the day with a friend who speaks no English. Then how did we even meet you ask? Well, she is the fiancée of a friend of Rubén's. I find myself sitting here a little nervous about whether or not I will be able to express myself at all. My level of Spanish seems to depend on the day so hopefully this will be a confidence-enhacing experience instead of a complete and utter failure (on my part of course). There is something to be said for non-verbal expression though. I have always liked her from the moment we met - there are definitely parts of a person that don't need words. Here's hoping.

On a totally different topic- I have to express a bit of shame today. I don't consider myself religious as I don't attend mass much anymore (well, here in Spain, not at all), although I was raised Catholic and I think that I try to express that through my behavior. A lot of people I know tend to poo poo religion or anything that slightly resembles it as mass mind control or some such nonsense. And they have a point really, at times. Some people use it as a shield of righteousness to justify whatever ass-backwards idea they might have in their collective minds. But for me, it's pretty simple. I believe in something greater than myself and I think that we should use both our hearts and minds when it comes to dealing with other people. Some people (not naming any names) are entirely incapable of doing this though.

I have to admit that lately I have been having a not-so-Christian feeling when it comes to certain people and things. Sometimes, it feels- i don't want to say GOOD- but a little affirming to see life give people their just desserts. Does that make me a bad person? I sure hope not, but I mean, surely it's much better to be a satisfied observer of nature than a vengeance taker? Well, maybe not. But at least I'm a little ashamed- I am human, after all.

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